Friday, March 14, 2008

"mini" session

after some coaxing, aislyn let me take a few shots yesterday literally 5 seconds after her nap. our conversation went like this:

me: can mommy take a couple pictures of you before we get out of your crib?

aislyn: i don't want pictures!

me: please, the light is really good in your room right now and mommy needs to practice!

aislyn: i don't want pictures! NO! (crying now)

me: but after we're done, guess where we're going?

aislyn: (crying stops) where? with liam somewhere?

me: THE ZOO! with liam! and emma and jack!

aislyn: ok mommy!

and this was the result. the sad face one is the first one... then they got happier the more she thought about the zoo. a couple of them are actually on the stairs i think. cuz you know, the light is good there too. ha.


Molly Beth said...

What a beautiful girl! It sounds like you have your hands full with that one.

redbyrd said...


Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you finally took the word "amateur" off your profile on the other site--you are truly talented! beautiful pics. the pic of bradyn is also exquisite. btw...thanks for your sweet message on the phone--it was the first--it made my day, thanks!