Wednesday, August 06, 2008

my camera is so broken...

if grayson's leg wasn't broken, i suppose i would say that i feel as if my leg were broken without my camera that is... but since his leg IS broken, it makes me sad to make reference such as that to it. i know, i'm so ridiculous.

tonight, for the first time since the break, he pulled up on his walker and walked a little!! i mean, its hard with a bent knee cast from thigh to toe, but he hobbled around the patio so proud of himself! i'd post a picture if i had one... (violin...) anyway, this little man is the master of adaptation. he remains so happy and is figuring out how to manuever his ginormous red cast everywhere he goes. you can always hear him coming on these hard floors. bang slide.. bang slide.. bang slide.. he's only kicked aislyn a couple times with it. but so far she hasn't minded. maybe somewhere deep down she feels sorry for him. i say deep down, because she knocks him over from a pulling up position at least 10 times a day.

funny cast story to remember. after grayson broke his leg, he had a couple nights where he just wanted mommy. of course, he also had 4 other diseases and/or illnesses. so he would end up in bed with us in the middle of the night. he likes to sleep attached to me in some manner which is super fun. well, i was dreaming, which is amazing that i even fell asleep with him in the bed. and in my dream, kenny was rubbing a knot out of my back, but he was rubbing it SOOOO hard that i was crying. but i couldn't tell him to stop and he couldn't see my face and it hurt so bad that i couldn't get any words or sounds out. so he just kept pressing as hard as he could right on this knot. well. i woke up, WHIMPERING with tears in my eyes, and noticed that grayson's cast foot was jammed so far into my right kidney that i'm surprised i didn't have to be hospitalized. you would not believe how good it felt when i moved it.

oh and to tie it back into the title.. my camera broke. and i am sad.


Anonymous said...

What happened to your camera? I can't imagine you without it. . .