Friday, February 29, 2008

thank you sweet husband

its the little things right? my dear husband, who has been working so hard all week trying to get a new store open, sacrificed his run (as in, running, like miles, on foot) to stay home and help with the whiny sicky faces for lunch today. and he has NO idea what that little hour meant to me. thank you my love. i enjoyed sharing a coke and sandwich with you today. you are beautiful.
almost forgot... photo courtesy of elane photography. :)


i was trying to stuff all of our medicine droppers into the dishwasher and sadly enough, they wouldn't fit. i ended up handwashing them and laying them out on the counter. and OH MY GOSH. the sight of all of them beside the sink actually made my husband shed a tear. we are so sick (no pun intended) of medicating our children! but hey, doctor's orders right? where do we draw the line? i breastfeed, i eat healthy for him (what i can eat anyway), my daughter is a veggie lover and a GREAT eater, and i don't give her that much crap. but still, they get sick. WHY? this week has been awful. we have sinus infection, cough, rash from antibiotics, fever like i've never seen before. ugh. i took grayson to the doc a second time last night, and when he heard aislyn cough, he was like "um, that would be croup.." WHAT? i wasn't even really taking her in to be seen. don't mean to rant and rave. its just been a frustrating week and i feel like i'm done now. all done. i hate seeing my kids SO stinkin sad. i just wish i could hold them all night long, but that would do them no good because then i would be even more tired than i already am, right? and even LESS able to mother them. man, i never understood when my parents would tell me how much they love me, and how worried about me they would get. and i would say "whatever paranoid parents..." and they would always say... "one day you'll see. you'll see amy dawn. you just wait til you have kids."
i see now, mom and dad. i get it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

happy birthday lyssa!

happy birthday 'yssa! we hope this day brings you unexpected joy and peace, and that 31 isn't as painful as 30. HA! you're amazing and we love you dearly...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

to all of you...

...from all of us.

a little tribute to the holiday...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

she looks quiet doesn't she?

just a shot from today...

Monday, February 04, 2008

just tryin somethin out even though i've posted these

Friday, February 01, 2008

when she's willing...

as of late, aislyn has told me "mommy, i don't want my picture." and she runs. she is becoming anti camera unless i bribe her with m&m's of course (nyem-nyem's). however, yesterday, she put the cutest hat she has on her head, and came over to me and said "mommy, i want a picture" and stood by the window and posed. ok, i'd down with that. so baby on hip, i shot a few of her and i liked this one. of course, she thinks she has to have her hand on her face to make a true pose which i think is too funny.