Wednesday, July 09, 2008

75 recipes with only corn and rice...

WE GOT CORN! it passed! there was no red mark! we have to trial it slowly, but STILL. that's huge. also we got one other thing to pass, we THINK. either milk or soy, probably soy. there may have been a slight mix up with which patch was which. so we ran a prick test which only takes 15 minutes to read, and soy came back negative and milk positive on that one. (the patch results were opposite, but like i said, they may have been mixed up). SO.. we get to try a teensy bit of soymilk tomorrow and wait for a reaction. that would be fabulous. his back took a BEATING, but oddly enough, it didn't seem to bother him at all. he was highly allergic to wheat and egg, so that's a bummer, but i really expected that. but i didn't expect to get two negatives! praise God, we're praying the tests were right and he handles the foods well. so, in the pic, the five squares are where all the patches were (the three to the left were the positives, you can see the circles) and the markings were where the prick test was. so sad, huh. but man, he just doesn't care. he's so happy. thanks for the prayers.


Ellen said...

poor baby. it's a good thing we don't remember our first few years of life! but yea for corn! :)

the byrd family said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!! rejoicing with you about corn...and possibly soy! this boy will be eating with the rest of us in no time!!

love you guys!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo!!! you were praying for just one negative and you got it!! This should be encouraging as I'm sure you'll continue to find negatives as you go. Two quick things - you know those toddler freeze-dried snacks? They make a corn one. I looked at Smith's yesterday and didn't see it, but it exists. I think it's basically just corn and Liana always loved it. Second, go slowly with the soy milk. Titus has never tested positive to soy, but every time we try soy milk he gets diahrrea. I think he's somewhat intolerant to it. However, he LOVES his soy yogurt (whole foods carries silk brand). I'm sure there are lots of other ingredients in there, but maybe eventually even if his tummy has a hard time with the soy milk right now, he can handle the yogurt. We've also started incorporating soy formula into his elecare to cut it. I'm still not convinced his little tummy can hang with it, but we're giving it a good shot. Life without Elecare would be much more fun! of course life where TItus eats would be much more fun too, but we're taking what we can get. :) anna

Adam, Lisa, Jordan, & Zachary said...

That's great NEWS!!! :) I wanna see a picture of him eating CORN!!! xxoo

Molly Beth said...

Poor G. He's such a trooper. Wow corn! And possibly soy or milk. That is amazing. He can probably have kix now, I know they are gluten free. I can't wait to add corn b/c it is in everything. We're having a flare up lately though, so we have been sticking with what we no works. I am so excited for him. Y'all a working your way back to a normal life. Praise be to God!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he has corn! That is huge. . . seriously huge. Corn literally is in everything. I went into deep mourning when we lost corn :) I HATE patch testing but love that it is sooooo acurate. We still have a scar on our back from white potato. What are you going to do. . . it is all in the name of eating!