Thursday, June 11, 2009

"excuse me, is that your son?"

...were the words we heard tonight at starbucks while ordering our coffee..from the man...standing at the door... with it open.. i ran outside and found grayson running down the sidewalk. why? why are boys like this? good grief. he was giving me a dirty look, but i quickly found out that he has THREE girls and no boys, and really just didn't understand..

anyhoo- day 2. was ok. grayson is flaring more than he usually does. and he should NOT be. this morning, when i took his wet wraps off he was clear, beautifully clear, i was rejoicing inside. but then after his first cream, and then bath and then meds etc., he was super flary and NOT in a way that he usually does. the docs are just watching him pretty close because there are several things that i think could be a factor. some of those things, they disagree with and i need to TRUST them.

i mentioned yesterday that we have met and become friends with a couple, becky and ryan, parents of a kiddo named blake who is 5 now, but he and grayson have aLOT in common. (blake is the kid who was in the article which led us to nat'l jewish). becky told me that the first time they came she just had to let go and trust and put herself into this 100% because they had come a LONG way to get care here. so i am trying really hard.

the docs really are great, grayson loves them, and they have excellent demeanors. all this babble to say i have a very specific thing to pray for. please pray that they would figure out TOMORROW what is making him flare, FIX it, and that he would clear and stay clear over the weekend because we can't start food challenges until he looks GREAT. otherwise, as has been the problem all along, we will never know if he is reacting or not. i am fearful of us being in charge of his skin care over the weekend, it freaks me out. but they are teaching us everyday, and this is the point..that we will be able to see it, know what to do, and do it. but these wet wrap baths are like my own little anxiety attacks. 2 pairs of wet socks, 2 pairs of dry socks, a zipped up onesie, a sweat shirt, sweat pants, diaper, face gauze, a face sock, half of it has to be at the perfect warm wet temperature and a giant tub of a couple creams with some stick to apply it with, freezing cold baby and a freaking out momma. oh and a freshly warmed in the dryer blanket. tonight we had to do it alone for the first time and i totally almost lost it when kenny said "are you ready for him?" cuz i wasn't. but we did it, and he did great. he will now hold out his arms for me to put the wet socks on him. i think he sorta likes it, though his face typically tells a different story.

side note- sweet blake got his mickey button out today! he has had it for three years and man was he excited. we were blessed to be there and get to share in the joy they were experiencing. i have been so thankful that God has put becky and kara (mom to a 16 mo. old named bret who has severe eczema) at the hospital this week. i have really enjoyed getting to know them, as well as a few of the other parents. cuz peeps, we get to hang out alllll day. in between baths, in between wet wraps, in between food challenges, and doctor meetings, we just hang out. its fine though. board games, wagon rides, movies, sweet husbands who bring us starbucks, it works out great. there are two or three girls on the unit who are around 10 or 11 and aislyn has really taken a liking to them. they come around and see if she wants to go play and she always does. she'll be like, "hi friends.. what are you doin? i have my princess, you wanna see it?" then she'll be like "mom, those are my friends." she's so cool. even at 3. hilarious.

i wanted to post some pics tonight but i haven't slept in about 4 nights now i think.. well, maybe just 3. either way. i'm all done. off to bed with my little wet baby.

don't forget to pray like crazy for the docs to clear my boy's skin. and thank you a million times over.

tomorrow, maybe i'll get to write about how FREAKING COOL THIS APARTMENT/VILLAGE we are staying in is! i mean, seriously..its straight out of a movie, like "you've got mail" or something... so fun.

all done.


gwennablogs said...

Thanks for the updates! I love reading them, and am totally praying!

Anna said...

I SO hear you about the boy thing! Having Liana first, I always thought other people's boys were just out of control. I now understand. Even Titus, who doesn't like to get more than about 3 feet away from me, will run out of the door at McDOnald's without another look back!!

Amy, I'm praying SO hard for your time there!! I read your update this morning and am praying for the doctors' eyes to be opened to Grayson's skin problems! Just try to take a deep breath, let it out and trust..........

Tiffany said...

Thanks for keeping us updated! Haven't had the computer working all day so I was wondering. How did today go? Did the doctors have any news? Hang in there Mama! You're doing a great job!!! Be at peace knowing we serve an all knowing, all loving God who will get you through this!!

sherri said...

I'm praying for you guys, and little grayson! Hang in there...the Lord has brought you there, and He is in control! Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up team Grebe! You're doing great. Love yas Barrett