Saturday, May 17, 2008

cardboard cake

this picture has NOTHING to do with this post. but she's cute isn't she?

here i sit, eating rocky road directly out of the tub (don't eat ice cream at my house), contemplating grayson's first birthday. aislyn's was so fun, mom and i made a polka dot cake and we all wore polka dots, and all our guests wore polka dots, etc. etc. i'm trying to come up with a fun theme, which usually somehow for me revolves around how i can make the food match it, and its kind of difficult. i have been thinking for a long time about how to do a cake for him. when he just had the wheat and milk allergy, it was no problem, they sell wheat free and dairy free cake mixes. but they don't sell cake mixes made of cod. and ew, by the way. can you imagine? so the question is, do i make a cake for guests that grayson can't eat and give him a bowl of quinoa? do i make people eat cod and amaranth with him? what about an ice chip cake (saw it in a video about EE)? a cardboard cake with toys on top, clearly not edible? alyssa had a great idea, and i'll probably go with it and yes it involves ice. non allergenic ice. :) but i just have to groan that i am sad i won't have the classic smear cake and icing all over your face picture of my boy. but i am, on the other hand, happy that he is here and is having a first birthday. don't get me wrong. i'm just a little bummed for him. he's starting to care alot that he can't share snacks with aislyn, and its hard to watch and deny him.

as far as medical stuff goes, and speaking of birthdays, we have an appointment ON his birthday at UNM Children's Hospital with a GI doctor there. i'm praying praying praying that we will find something good out at that appointment and that he can be taken care of here and not somewhere else. pray with us for that please. :) i heard a commercial for UNM Children's Hospital driving home last night. and while they generally make me think and make me sad, last night it made me cry like a baby instantaneously. to hear the parents on the commercial, and to think of my friend jen who deals with this all the time. it was too much! anyways, just a scary time for us right now, so i like to blog and let it all out....


Molly Beth said...

I've been thinking of you. I have too already thought of what Cooper's first b-day will be like. I can imagine it must be really hard now that it is here. Gosh I hop it's not EE. Has he ever been scoped? I think it may shed lots of light for you guys. we are having a tough time right now w/ solid introductions. We had a horrible night after rice and pears. So today I started full blown elimination diet, hopefully it helps. Hope to here from you guys soon. Here is a site where might find support. HTH
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Here is a link I happened onto while researching possible cakes for my kids' birthdays because of a guest's severe(egg and wheat) allergy:

I know it's not exactly the same, but I hope this helps...

Nilia Palhinha

sara said...

Wow, sounds like you have your hands full, we'll be praying for you guys. I'm excited to stay updated on all thats going on, you kids are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

my best pic of Titus' first birthday was because I forced him to get the non-milk icing on him. He hated it! We didn't even bother this year. He just had fun playing with the cups. Our kids really do need to trade problems. sigh. If you need someone to go with you on the 2nd, let me know. I have therapy with Titus at 8am, but other than that I'll just be at work and more than happy to run down there and meet you. I've been there quite a few times. love, anna

Anonymous said...

Hi! I have been thinking about you guys and about Grayson's birthday. We have had 4 "wierd" food birthdays. People have never complained, they just smile and eat the wierd stuff I make;) for Carter's 3rd birthday, he was on formula only and those few safe candys we talked about. Literally, I fede everyone, Dum-Dums and water. . . hehehe. we had a great time. Last year, I rented a professional cotton candy maker and snow cone maker. Hey, think 1 year old with cotton candy or snow cone with grape kool-aide (totally hypoallergenic) all over his face. I also made a brown sugar cake. Call me. . . I will help you. . .

Also, if you need someone to go to Dr. F with you, let me know. Carter has an appt with him this Friday. I understand why Dr. C is sending you to him and I know how to take on the insurance ;)

AW said...

Amy, it's been a few weeks since I've been to your blog and just got caught up this morning. PRAISE that your sweet boy doesn't have celiac! And PRAISE that his skin is doing so much better!

I still think of you often, even though I don't stop by as often as before. (New job is keeping me to busy to blog!)

Molly Beth said...

Thinking of you guys today. I hope that everything goes well. Lets us know an update soon. Love ya guys