Monday, March 03, 2008

on the up 'n' up

i think. yesterday we didn't have any fevers except the little 99 point somethings that i try to ignore. they are both still coughing something horrible, but i hear that can last for awhile. little g was really happy all day long so i snapped a couple of him playing to prove that he is smiling again! (first time in a week i think!)

and then there is aislyn, who, as you can see, politely asked me to step off with my camera. while she has no fever, i think her attitude might still have a bit of a virus...


Nono said...

very nice pics of Grayson!
I like the new look and colors of the blog too!!
Bises (hugs)

Charlotte said...

I just want to hug them! I miss you guys and appreciate the blogs very much! I love the new look!

Rachael McClair said...

i'm so glad they are feeling better!! i spent the day working on our annual budget- oddly, it was a good day. :) love you and miss you.

Molly Beth said...

Those pictures are so cute. That Aislyn looks like quite the stink! Sorry your sick now; I woke up with a sore throat. Cooper wears an apnea and heartrate monitor at night b/c he has had apnea spells in the past and has low h/r often. It is the only way I get any rest. He takes 15mg of prevacid, but was on 30 before. We took him off of everything else b/c it didn't seem to be helping and we were afraid it was affecting his liver. Are you guys coming to TX any time soon?

Gram said...

those pics of aislyn - oh my!!!