Thursday, January 22, 2009

don't do a hard one mommy

i have to jot this down to remember it- we have recently begun giving grayson little spankings ("gentle reminders") because he can be quite the defiant one these days. (sorry to offend any non spankers out there :)) anyways, i told grayson, after warning him several times to not climb on the table, that he was going to get a spoon spankin'. i took him in the bathroom and noticed that aislyn was terribly concerned, she looked horrified. she said "MOMMY! DO NOT DO A HARD ONE! mommy, please don't do a hard one", as if i normally beat her or something. so i gave him a "soft" spanking and aislyn promptly came over to his behind and kissed it and told him it was ok. HIlarious. didn't want to forget that one.


Tracey said...

That is so funny! We are in the same boat as yall! We started doing the same thing to Andrew. Andrew's tempting "bad spot" is the vertical blinds that we have that go across the whole wall. It is amazing that they are "that old" to be doing this! Keep us informed! Love ya'll!

Gina said...

That's really funny, Amy! I'm looking forward to having another playdate soon, after the sickness is over with at our house. Take care!