Tuesday, July 21, 2009
and another
i just love this smile. it's natural. and for some reason when i get out my camera she will only do "model face", so this made me happy. :)
Posted by amy at 1:38 PM 0 comments
my babies
so.. my kids were all dressed up and playing in the backyard so i had to grab the camera. don't have much else to say. OH, grayson is eating turkey lunch meat and grapes now. happily. so that's two more things he has agreed to eat! that's big news for us. :) onto the more interesting part of the post...i forgot to add (earlier) that grayson posed himself for these.. hands over his head, stare at the camera, then he decided to put his hand on his face. people i do not pose my children. i tell them where the light is best, and they do things like this. isn't that hilarious? he must be watching his sister...
Posted by amy at 10:29 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
we are still here
and doing well. it seemed like it took just as long to get back in the swing of things as it did for us to be gone. i don't think i left the house for a week, and if i did, it was because i had to. the kids are doing good. aislyn says she does not want to go back to denver. i don't blame her. it was certainly NOT a vacation in any sense of the word. i think somewhere in my mind i thought maybe it would feel like one.. but alas, no. it did not. i have not ever been that tired i don't think. it was a GREAT trip, don't get me wrong. but certainly not a vacation.
grayson has flared once or twice since being home, but it is likely because i am letting him "be more of a kid" and run through the grass, step in water with his socks off, etc. it's very hard for me to let him do these things, knowing that he will likely flare, but its good because i know how to make him comfortable afterwards. his hands are still his problem area but it's not nearly as bad as it was. i only have to do a scratch check once or twice a day and i think he is understanding that when he scratches, it hurts. we have done several wet wraps on his extremities and he lets us, so that's good. i've done his head a couple times, but he usually pulls it off his face within 20 minutes. i'm looking forward to the fall, his eczema seemed to do a little better last year in the fall/winter months, and i hear it's usually the opposite. so i'm not sure why that was the case. hopefully it will be the case this year too. he is eating SOME new foods, but not tons. he loves fritos, raisins and sometimes corn. i still canNOT get him to eat apples and grapes, though he carried one around yesterday, which i guess was a start. aislyn encourages him to try new things, it's cute. she's a self proclaimed "good" big sister.
we are enjoying our summer but would really like for it to not get hot until 1, during naptime so we could go to the park in the mornings. but oh my word i just can't get out in the heat. i have fall fever, as usual. i want to buy pumpkins and halloween costumes and it's july 10. typical.
i have no pic for this post..sorry. i know that makes them considerably more interesting!
Posted by amy at 7:35 AM 3 comments