Saturday, September 13, 2008


so, as previously mentioned, aislyn has been quite the model this week. she has WILLINGLY let me take pictures of her, and even pulled out some poses. which is weird. she generally says "no more pictures mom", just like that. maybe its that she's almost three, i don't quite know. but it's been fun, and she thinks it's so fun to have pictures taken. so anyone who knows me, KNOWS that i'm in heaven. and she is an angel face. i really really can't believe how beautiful she is. oh. and hornery too. i have no idea how to spell that word, so i will spell it just like my grandma prounounced it. except she left out the "h", so it was orn-ery. anyways, onto some from the 3 year old session...

and then there's my boy. i put him on this chair, got him to say the word cheese (the actual word, it was cute...) but he was done quickly.

and this is what he USUALLY looks like ....


Jennifer said...

They are beautiful and you are amazingly talented. . .

Nono said...

Every picture is just great, but I particularly love the one from Grayson walking away :0)

amy said...

thanks guys, you are too sweet. yes nono, i also love the walking away one. its so funny because that is seriously what he looks like to me. either that or crying for me to pick him up!!! your parents are so sweet, i was attempting to translate myself.. i did ok, but not perfect. thanks for the help!

Unknown said...

are you freaking KIDDING me??? these are so awesome. i was dying when i saw aislyn's seductive looks. oh my word. too much. i want to see ALL of them. she was totally workin it.

sherri said...

So wonderful and I love the colors. That first one just grabs me because I love her grin. :D