Thursday, April 17, 2008

extreme home makeover: eczema edition

i have been pondering what i would write in this post for close to 24 hours now. the words 'thank you' do not even scratch the surface of how we feel right now. most all of you who read my blog will not be puzzled by this post, but for some who may not know the story... in previous posts, i have ranted and raved about our sweet boy who has severe eczema. i've complained about our allergist who suggested that we rip up our carpet. yes, lets think of a way to try and afford flooring right now. of course, like sarai when God told her that she and abraham would bear a child, i laughed. what a crazy idea. never in our wildest imaginations did we dream that we would get a floor. my sweet alyssa, who herself is grieving the loss of her daughter sydney in the fall, came up with the idea to throw out a fundraising email, fall to her knees in prayer, and ended up collecting enough to rip up our carpet and put down flooring. unbelievable. ian came up with a very in depth explanation (or just plain "lie") as to why he needed to come over and measure my floors. never did i suspect a thing. ian says "they gave me measurements in inches for a house that's exactly like yours, just flipped. i need it in feet so i'm gonna come measure yours." ok dude. 12 inches in a foot. i can help you with that. but man, i didn't bat an eyelash. ok whatever. never did i suspect a THING. after a makeshift quick meal that lyss and i came up with last night (we are so good at those), ian stumbled through a speech of why they were having us open a gift bag with a piece of wood in it. tears were streaming down my face, as kenny was declaring that we can't accept it, that other people have it so much worse. ian changed kenny's mind. we had no words. we still have none. we are so overwhelmed with the people that love our boy, people we don't even KNOW and people we do. i got an email from a church in KENYA that is praying for grayson, and who have a special prayer meeting set up for saturday morning, the day the floor is going in! i mean, when God's people come together, they really come together! so, to all of you who have had ANY part of this, prayer, donating money, time, whatever, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. may God bless your lives as He has ours, with friends who love you. we are so excited to see God work through this, teaching us lessons in humility, and then how He heals grayson. we know that this isn't a cure all, that on sunday morning, he'll wake up eczema free, but we really do believe it will be a big step towards a itch free boy. as a side note, it has been so bad this week, that he was biting his hands so hard they were dripping blood at one point, when i had turned my head for a thirty seconds. he has teeth cuts now on his hands in addition to the fingernail shreddings. so, this really could not have come at a better time. i will definitely post pictures as we're going and when we're done. again, thank you doesn't do it, but its all we can say. we are so thankful to the Lord for using you in our lives. God is truly working in our lives and we are so glad you are a part of it.

about the pic below, one reason our carpet is so nasty is that crawling 10 month olds with acid reflux do not mix with carpet. he spits up constantly all over the place, and i just chase him with wet wipes to try and get it up. yesterday, as i was wiping some spit up off the floor, grayson grabbed a wet wipe and started rubbing the floor just like mommy. it was great, what a smartie. but you know what little boy? you spit up ALL you want now. Jesus got you a brand new itchless wipeable spittin' ground.


Ellen said...

What an amazing testimony!

AW said...

((((Sweet Grayson))))) I could just eat you up!!!

The Mitchells said...

I can't wait to see pictures of Grayson and his new gift...having people love you through your children is so priceless.