Wednesday, April 30, 2008

video mania

i have recently realized how easy it is to shoot a 10 second video with my camera and post it so WATCH OUT. these are so funny to me.
video #1- grayson spent some time with my mom the other day and came back doing this funny thing with his hands. i later realized (after my mom mentioned that they had done this) that he was doing patty cake. and its too funny. except that sometimes when he does the "roll 'em up" part, he remembers that he'd rather be scratching because his hands are so close together...

video #2- aislyn is learning her abc's. that's all i really even need to say. this cracks us up to no end...


Molly Beth said...

Oh my goodness! Those are precious. The abc one is hilarious. They are just too cute. It's also great to hear your voice too. Love ya

redbyrd said...

yeh, so liam has asked to watch this like 20 times this morning...he even sits in front of the computer and just reclicks the play button all by his own....he loves to see his sweet friends faces....thanks for sharing...

Charlotte said...

Wow I love the video. It means so much to see A&G learn new things. Thank you for sharing! The floors look fantastic thank the Lord for his many blessings. Miss you all! Je t'aime

Ellen said...

I know this is an older post, but O just discovered this and I have to play it 50 times a day. "Aislit singing. Picture Aislit singing." :)