Monday, April 21, 2008

little sad today...

but NOT because of the new floors. :) more to come on that. i have lots of pictures to post, but stuff is still everywhere, so that will be later. :) i'm sad because i think its over. i have been weaning grayson for a couple weeks now, dr's orders, trying to get him on neocate only and off of breast milk, as they think it may be contributing to his issues. i have fought them on it since october and i finally decided that we need to do it. i was going to wean when he was one anyway, and thats only 5 or 6 weeks away (holy cow). but i had to start a little early, and i never imagined it would be so hard. any breastfeeding mom knows what a strong bond that creates...i didn't get to do this with aislyn..she was in the NICU and extended stay nursery for a week after birth and would NOT latch on to me because they had to bottle feed her right away. so i pumped for six months so that she had breast milk, and i was even sad to stop doing that for her, but six months of that was all i could take. and my milk started running out too. but its just different when they latch and they look at you and they fall asleep on you and you just kinda bond. and the weird thing is, i had been excited to wean because of my diet restrictions. no wheat, no milk, no soy, no nuts, very few eggs, very few tomatoey items, no citrus. its been a bland year to say the least, but as much as i complain about it, i really didn't mind it at all. it was for my kid you know? any mom would agree. i found ways to still eat ALL the time. just healthier! that can't be bad! this last week, grayson has been on formula 3 times a day, and on me in the morning when he wakes up. kenny goes and gets him from his room and brings him to me and we sit in my bed and snuggle and he nurses and then inevitably falls asleep for another half hour until aislyn wakes up and yells for daddy through the monitor next to the bed. this morning, i sluggishly went and made a bottle, just sad, feeling numb. i took him and offered it to him, and he arched his back and cried. so i offered it again, and he gave up and took it. i was sad. he was almost finished when he insisted that i switch him to the other arm for the last couple ounces of the bottle. he didn't go to sleep. we didn't snuggle. he was wide awake, ready to start his day. (he then, fell asleep on me an hour later because of his lack of early morning nap, which was ok :)). so, all that to say, i think its over. i think we're done. my baby is growing up. i think i'm dietarily free to eat what i want. but i don't want to yet. the hormones are getting the best of me. i mean, i had to do this sometime. and it gives me so much more freedom. but there was something about being a "cow" that i liked. i mean, it was free nutrition for him! unfortunately neocate isn't the cheapest thing in the world. but thanks be to God for blessing us through our friends and strangers this week with new floors and leftover cash for the formula made of gold. you will never know what a blessing and what perfect timing this has been. i think this post was alot of ramble, not sure if i even finished a thought. but i wanted to document how i'm feeling today. its a weird weird day. there is milk in the fridge, and i have been craving it so, and even though i'm technically free to drink it, i just don't want to. is that so weird? i am so weird right now. i'll feel differently tomorrow, maybe even tonight.


Ellen said... is hard to let your babies grow up. sometimes I want to cry at the thought that O won't always let me kiss and tickle him and say, "more. more." and that his little yummy feet are going to grow into stinky adolescent feet. and that he doesn't need me to help him down the slide anymore...being a mom is hard!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, I know a little how you feel, my baby #2 (preemie) couldn't tolerate breast milk (SO sad, I had breastfed 6 months until I returned to work with baby #1) or regular formula or soy, so we had him on Alimentum which was about $100/week (less than yours I know). God bless grandma, she helped buy it every other week. Checked out your floors on Alyssa's site, SO pretty, praying it is the answer to Grayson's condition! You sound so sad and I understand, praying for you too...

N. Palhinha

Gram said...

i'm 58 yrs old and still remember how wonderful breastfeeding was. and still miss it. but yeah, wait til you're walking with him to school when he is about 6 and he turns to you and says, "walk behind me. i don't need you to walk WITH me." and then when he is 15 and you 'can't" hug him anymore so you knuckle-punch him in the arm and say 'luv ya'. (the hugs return after teen years) sigh.

Anonymous said...

you have no idea how blessed you are. your 2 little ones are absolutely beautiful.. your surrounded with people who love and support you.. God is carrying you through your journey, it's encouraging to see how He's provided.. I pray that these steps will lead to your sweet boy being allergy free.

AW said...

I'm so glad things are on an upswing with the floors. But take your time to mourn the change...there is no rush. We'll wait with you.

AW said...

BTW, I don't know whether or not you participate in a pre-tax Flex Spend Medical Account through your husbands work, but I'm pretty sure formula that is "prescribed" is an eligible purchase. At the very least, the difference of that against regular formula is eligible. I looked into it when Jon Kai was put on Nutramigen.

Anonymous said...

Amy - please check out ebay for the formula. It's the only way we've made it through 2 years of elecare. I was terrified to try it, but it's worked out great. if you have questions about trying it, let me know and i'll answer them. anna