Monday, April 07, 2008

pullin' up

found him in the fridge this week. never seen him do that before! and it was just too cute.

we see alot of grayson's back these days because he is constantly crawling away and pulling up on things. he loves to watch his daddy work in the yard (oh my gosh pardon the nasty window). i keep him inside because of his allergies, but we make it out there every once in awhile. the boy DOES need some fresh air and sunshine. i think. we got the blood results back at the end of last week and man... they were discouraging. one good thing is that his immunities are good. we were worried about that. but the dr. said that grayson basically has more allergies than any kid that he has ever seen. there were two tests that came back off the charts. the first one should have been between 0 and 5% and his was 35% or more, can't remember. the other should have been between 0 and 40. grayson's was 1100. what? i mean, how frustrating. so, the next step is to meet with the allergist, do more tests (skin and blood) and to wean him from breastfeeding which i am so sad about. i feel like they are just guessing that it might help, so if i wean him early and it does nothing, i will be sadder. plus the stuff he has to be on is super expensive and breastmilk is free. :) we attempted to put him down last night without pinning him, and i ended up having to pin him down around 1 a.m. i could hear him restless and scratching, and he just wasn't having it. i pinned his arms down and he shut his eyes and was out until morning. i went back to bed crying because my 10 month old can't sleep without being pinned down which should be a crime. guess we'll try again in a few weeks. i can tell he got to his eye, its pretty red today. one thing to be thankful for is that developmentally he is right on track, if not ahead. so that's good. at least i know that i'm not making him slower by pinning him down. we think its making him stronger because he is doing bicep curls every night trying to get unpinned! anyway, wanted to share that, and a few more pics. the last one, don't worry, his head really isn't THAT big, its just the camera angle. i mean, his head isn't SMALL, but its not that big. :)


Gram said...

can you wean him but keep pumping so in case it doesn't make any difference, you can go back to breastfeeding?

the byrd family said...

that last pic is awesome! he looks like a different kid already...a big kid!!
love you g!
-aunt courtney

amy said...

yea, i can try and pump for awhile, and i will. just worried that it may not be enough to keep it up. but i was going to start weaning in two months, but we'll see, UGH. who knows. :)

Adam, Lisa, Jordan, & Zachary said...

OH amy he is a cutie pie! I love the last picutre HE looks SO so happy! BIG xxoo to you guys;)

Rachael McClair said...

SO cute! Quincy is still army-crawling around and loves patty-cake. I'm actually ready for him to start walking... but that doesn't seem to be in the near future. Oh- thought of you on Sunday. Sang a Coldplay song- Fix You. Great stinkin' song. Love you! Have a lot to tell you about with work- I'll call you later today or tomorrow.

One of them Youngs... said...

I think Texas has some kind of weird magnetic pull that is hard to detach from. We haven't lived there in over 6 years, but can still feel it calling for us...I'm glad you can relate!

Anonymous said...

oh my word, amy, grayson is cute!

redbyrd said...

oh my goodness, that last pic...aimes- i want to eat him. so cute...i have to get a copy of that one...

AW said...

What a beautiful boy!

My little monkey has a pretty severe milk allergy (thanks to Momma and her father), so he's on the expensive stuff too. I try to tell myself it's just temporary...that he'll be old enough at some point where he will eat and drink his nutrients in other more "natural" forms.

I'm so sorry you have to watch your baby go through this. I know you'd trade places with him in a heartbeat if you could. There is nothing like watching our babies hurt...

AW said...

I haven't read through your archives yet to know your whole story, but have you tested him for gluten allergy? If he's got a gluten (wheat/barley/oat/rye) allergy and you're ingesting anything with gluten (even MSG, maltodextrin, dextrose, natural flavoring) then you're passing it onto him. Or even using products with gluten in them (aveeno is notorious for gluten).

I only ask this because I have a gluten allergy and have to be SERIOUSLY strict about my diet and products I use to clean/wear and it's an allergy that many doctors don't consider.

Just thinking out loud...not trying to diagnose. :-|