Friday, June 19, 2009

i am so not a doctor.

and that's ok.

today was soy.  and it was looooong.  this was one that the docs wanted to be super careful with soy because of his numbers, so they took it slow.  it was about six doses every 30 minutes, which he took like a champ, but it meant he couldn't nap until about 1:00 after his last dose.  he got a couple hives right at first, but we determined they were from the bath he had after his first dose, and they got smaller and smaller throughout the day.  but then after his nap (which was 30 minutes because it was loud- there were aLOT of boys in the unit today), he was super red eyed and scratchy and coughing.  but he was EXHAUSTED, totally worked up and having a meltdown, so we had to wait two hours and try it again.  after THAT large serving of soymilk, he was fine, and has been ever since..soooooo

it's a pass.  :)  GIANT SMILEY FACE.  this means elecare can be backed off on.  not gone altogether yet, depending on how mon and tues go, but we will meet with the nutritionist again on tuesday to determine that.  

one of our doctors could tell that i was so hesitant about calling it a pass, but in retrospect, it really was.  he kept saying "DO NOT BE AFRAID to give it to him."  once again, i have to trust!  

have i mentioned that i love this place?

we had the option to come in tomorrow (saturday) for a challenge, but grayson needs a break.  bad.  mommy needs a break bad too.  i really really have not ever been so worn out.  ever.  not even after 30 hours of labor actually.  i think i'm even more tired than that.  

kenny comes back tomorrow morning, first thing, and we could NOT be more excited about it.  courtney, her mom and the girls leave in the morning. :(  she has been a huge help this week, thanks girl.

so guess what grayson did this evening.  you'll never guess what i LET him do this evening.  he PLAYED in the FOUNTAIN with his ...  get this....  SOCKS AND PANTS OFF.  can you believe it?  just runnin' around in water with a diaper and tshirt on!  he was so unsure for awhile, blake kept trying to get him to get IN the fountain, and he would politely say "no" and just walk circles around it, for probably half an hour or more.  once he got in he was just screaming "MOMMY!  WATER!  MOMMY!  WATER!"  he was in heaven. and it was cold.  but he loved every second of it.  inside i was freaking out a bit, but the thing is , i knew what to do.  i soaked him,  i wet wrapped his legs up to his knees and then put him to bed.  and it should be ok.  it's so nice to know what to do.  

i love this place.  but i will be SO sad that becky and blake are not there on monday.  blake had a great trip and passed a lot of foods.  i think he's up to 30ish now, which is so encouraging.  

all done for now.  ya'll with the comments... thank you so much for leaving them. i LOVE to read them, they are all just brilliant and encouraging and funny and just thanks.  :) 


Becky Ringstrom said...

Amy, Kenny, Grayson, and Aislyn~

Our family feels sooooo blessed to have been able to meet yours. Sharing the last week together has held my sanity together, Amy, thank you so so much for that!! I know how tired and emotionally drained you are, and YES it will take you awhile to recover once home but as I know you're already seeing, it will be so very worth it! I can't wait to hear about all the yummy things Blake's favorite new buddy will be eating each and every day!! you will all forever be in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers....God Bless!!

The Ringstroms

brianna saban said...

i had never heard of this place before your visit...PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!! this place needs to be on commercials or something.
i am SO IMPRESSED with how QUICKLY they added foods into grayson's life. unbelievable. awesome.
keep up the updates.


Alwyn said...

thanks for sharing your story amy!
praising God for your super-mommy-ness! praising God for kenny's super-dad-ness and aislyn for super-sister-ness and of course grayson for just being a loving patient good natured little dude!
blessed to know you guys!
prayers are continuing to go up!
alwyn, christy and caleb

Rob and Amy said...

So amazing Amy!!! But I still have tons of questions!!!!

Like- before you went to Denver, "we" thought G had so many allergies to things. But was it really just his Eczema just being flared up that gave the "signs" that he was allergic? So he really isn't allergic to all of these things? How often will you have to do these wraps at home, and what situation dictates if a wrap is necessary!??

This is SO unbelievable to me!!! Praise GOD that that sweet little man is learning so many new things and is filling his tummy with yummy yummy food!!!

Anna said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!! Could you hear that from ABQ? You probably could. That's so awesome!!! Just FYI from our experience with soy, Titus had a hard time digesting it for a while and it constipated him quite a bit. We're still doing Good Start soy because of it - the proteins are broken down a bit. But we're going to try to transition to soy milk soon. So, if he gets stopped up, don't freak out, just take it slow. I'm SO SO SO SO excited!! Have fun. I'll be praying that you get rest this weekend and that the rest of the visit is as successful. Remember, God gave Grayson to you for a reason - you fought to get him here and girl, it's paying off in spades!! way to go! I'll be praying for strength and resiliance for everyone.