Wednesday, June 17, 2009


well, we had a good day.  today, we got TWO new foods.  corn, which is huge, and turkey!  isn't that awesome!?  the docs wanted to try  the foods that they figured he would maybe do ok with first, and we have been 4 for 4!  FOUR NEW FOODS!  and no more vaseline.  that right there has made this trip worth it.  i'm off to bed, but wanted to share that, and a few pics....

becky has become grayson's other mommy this week.  and i am ok with that.  she is such a blessing, SUCH a blessing and has helped me with him so much.  she's way better at this stuff, and has been doing it longer and her advice is always right on the money.  grayson just adores her and blake and they are the reason i can actually get him to the hospital fairly happy each day. :)  i will be soooo sad when they leave at the end of this week.  blake has done phenomenal with his food challenges, and he is truly just a picture of hope for me! aislyn thinks he's pretty cool too...  don't get jealous liam. ha ;) 
blake likes to steal his doctors instruments, nametags, shoes..... and grayson just likes to be in pictures.
some foundation provides computers with games for the kids hangin at the hospital, pretty cool...

this is dr. fleischer, who we love.  but we actually have loved ALL of our docs at this place...  he gave him this banana which grayson pretended to be excited about.
the apple....
i know.  ouch.  this was his food skin prick test.  there were 32 things on his back...

um, this is grayson tip toeing across the floor in an attempt to not anger our downstairs neighbor, which is a whole 'nother story.  the problem is that when you teach 2 year olds to tip toe, they tip stomp.  but they think it's tip toeing.  anyhoo, on to a different subject. 

 this is my skinny naked white boy with striped socks on.  oh the whiteness.  i think this is his first pic ever just in a onesie. ha.  
grayson's eczema still looks amazing.  we are just thrilled with our new knowledge, and God's healing on our boy.  he just looks happier when he's not scratching ALL the time!  

tonight we got to go to my bff's (rachael in denver) son quincy's second birthday party.  he and grayson are just two weeks apart.  it was so nice to get out and see familiar faces (her parents were also there).  

i don't think i've ever been this exhausted in my life.  mentally and physically.  this is so worth it, but man, i am one tired girl.  good thing there are starbucks everywhere, but i really would like to find a drive thru one...  

tomorrow is oats and pork.  pray that he will be in the mood.  hopefully we can get a third food in....  friday is HUGE.  it's soy day.  we really want that one.  it COULD mean no more elecare!  but it could definitely go either way....

thanks again for the prayers.  and a shout out to my amazing sister in law courtney who likes to be an organizing cleaning fairy while i'm gone for the day.  it's so nice to come home to picked upness...  cuz i certainly haven't been doing it!  thanks girl.  i so could not do this on my own...that's fo' sho'.


becky said...

Love the blog updates, even tho i'm there to see it all happen...thanks for that! I feel so blessed to be a small *part* of graysons story/journey! I will be sad to leave tomorrow too. This is such an emotional roller coaster, you'd think sitting around all day doin nuthin but gabbing with each other we'd have plenty of energy, but no such luck:) chasing those two has kept us pretty busy!
You are doing fantastic this week momma! keep up the good work, we will keep the prayers coming!

redbyrd said...

i am SO excited and canNOT wait to go grocery shopping with you right when you get home to go get this boy some food. we are going to have a HUGE food-party-feast for g. liam is so excited. i am already envisioning cute invites and the menu!!!! so very happy for these milestones and altho i am sad to not be there with you for it all, i am so thankful God sent you Becky to help get you thru it so you aren't alone!! and i don't care how shiny white that sweet boy is in these pics, i am celebrating and praising God for creamy white milky skin with no bumps or scratchies!!!!!