Wednesday, June 03, 2009

happy birthday angel boy

yesterday, our littlest guy turned TWO. two years old. and what a two years it has been.

sweet grayson, we are so happy that God gave YOU to us. you are such a joy. your little smile and your little laugh and the way you hug me so tight (when you're in the mood), we wouldn't trade you for the world. God has used you to teach us so much about His sovereignty and patience among other things. you never cry when you can't have the same food that the other kids are getting. you think that rice cakes are the most exciting thing EVER, which totally helps when i have to give that to you day in and day out as a yummy snack. :) you continue to drink your formula and eat your chicken, sweet potatoes and rice like they were the BEST food in the world! you're such a good boy and we love you so much. we know this is only a season and we absolutely cannot wait until one birthday, when we can take you out to dinner and order off the menu!!! until then, its movie and chicken and rice night! and we love it. thank you for being you. and baby, denver is only 6 days away. :)

so, we started his party with a little jaunt in the FREEZING cold pool with his new mcqueen ball from liam. he decided to skip his nap on his party day by the way...
after he developed hypothermia, we decided to get him out.
after we got his body temperature back up to a reasonable level, he fell asleep on papa. which papa was ok with, because there was a golf tournament on. he proceeded to sleep for one hour and 45 minutes, about the duration of his party.
we woke him up for presents and food. which he was ok with.

grayson loved his "bar" cake. we stacked trader joe's rice krispy bars on top of each other with a Cars candle on the top and he was in heaven. (even though he eats them every day.) aislyn came up and gave him a big hug and say "happy birthday baby brother" and it was too cute.
isn't he so big and handsome sporting his new lightning mcqueen hat from uncle chris and aunt courtney?
just a little chat on the bridge.
we love you itchy munchkin.


Rob and Amy said...

Ugh, LOVE it!