Sunday, June 07, 2009

things to pray for..

regarding our trip to National Jewish. you know... if you want to.this is how i found him yesterday, with his pop. just hangin out in a window sill. yes, his pants are taped around his leg to prevent scratchfest....though it only worked for awhile.

- grayson is sick. fever, pukes, doesn't want to eat. and we leave tuesday morning. its a little concerning, mainly because i am hoping aislyn doesn't get it on tuesday morning. he's a bit miserable and could use some prayers.
- for the kids to be comfortable in new surroundings for 2.5 weeks
- for grayson to think the hospital is the coolest place EVER (so he will be happy and not freak out :))
- safe travel, obviously
- for very smart doctors, who will know exactly how to test and what to test
- for at least FIVE new foods (let's shoot for the moon here).
- for kenny and i to learn how to keep him as clear and comfy as we can when he has flareups
- for kenny's work here not to suffer while he's gone, no big problems, and that he can get more business even though he is gone, and for safe travel for him back and forth
- safe travel ALSO for my reinforcements (aunt courtney, braidyn, mali) when they come up in a week
- for me, that my expectations and faith will be right where it is supposed to be, that my irrational fears will go away and that my rational fears will be replaced with peace
- big HUGE one- that grayson will NOT SCRATCH for 7 hours on the way to denver. people, if that is accomplished, it will mean that God himself is in our car holding him down. which i believe is possible.

those are the biggies for now.

that being said, we are so thankful that we have been blessed with a 2 BR apt. for pretty much NOTHING to stay in while we're there that is, ahem, down the street from target.. and have several other things to be thankful for. . including the fact that Nat'l Jewish is in Denver. and Denver is fun. and two of our BFF's live there.

thanks to those of you who will lift us up :) God is big.


Charlotte said...

Your in our prayers. We look forward to hearing about all the new things you discover.
God Bless

Molly Beth said...

Praying for you guys for sure. Praying for AS MANY foods as possible!!! Keep us updated throughout it all. I have my appointment today. Praying for great changes in all our lives!

Emily said...

We will be praying for you around here. I will put ya'll on our Bible study prayer list tomorrow. Love ya.

Tracey said...

You are in our thoughts & prayers for, food, ect. Can't wait to find out what they find out! Keep us informed! Love ya'll...... :)

Cara said...

I've done some investigative facebooking/blogging to find out what's going on with you guys. I will DEFINITELY keep you in prayer and your sweet little guy!

Maria Hays said...

Lifting up all your prayer requests! You are so right it is all possible, God is so big!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you. God is great, and will surely bring wonderful, happy changes to your lives!