Sunday, June 14, 2009

i'm dreaming...

of putting shorts on my son. for the first time... and it's not so far away, i don't THINK. but this is what i would buy. if i had $100 for one outfit. i love boden. back to the shorts and flip flops thing. it almost makes me teary to imagine him running around with kids in the summer NOT in jeans, socks and tennis shoes and a long sleeve shirt! can you imagine? oh the bliss...


Rob and Amy said...

So Amy- I'm so confused..and am wondering if you can explain a little more about HOW they have him "itch free" on no itch meds? Is it simply due to wrapping him in cold wet clothes?!?! Are they having any creams on him? I know you kind of touched on the subject below, but I was wondering what they have done to get his skin to clear up in order to start the prick tests?

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfits your have picked out! Soon my friend, soon!

redbyrd said...

ok, so of course this made me cry. can't wait!