Thursday, June 25, 2009

we are so home.

so so home. it's 7:42 in the a.m., grayson is still asleep, aislyn is playing in the backyard on this cloudy yummy day, i'm sippin' coffee and lamenting over the stupid photo ticket that was due while we were in denver and is now late... i totally disagree with the ruling of course. i MUST have had a green arrow, you just can't see it...

i have never been so happy to be home. i feel like NOW i am on vacation! is that so weird or what? my house looked different, smelled different, it was so weird to walk through the door! the kids went to bed so so happily last night, to be in their OWN bed! grayson didn't sleep through the night, he woke up out of habit, but not until around 3! and i THINK that if we had been of sound mind, we should have just left him in there and seen if he would fall back asleep. he was just talking to himself, and i, in a very disoriented state of mind, told kenny that i did not know where i was, and would he get go grayson. and kenny, in the same state, obliged. so maybe tonight will be different. he didn't scratch (unless he's doing it now) and kept his hand socks on all night long which we were told to still try and do for awhile. we're hopeful that his itchy waking days will soon be over.

i do intend to write in detail about all of grayson's "diagnoses" and what foods we can try, what we canNOT try and what it means for his new diet! it's actually, right now, a little MORE stressful because i have to read labels like a HAWK. and i have to read other people's labels like a hawk if we go somewhere! which, might be irritating.. so i apologize in advance. :) ha.

i really really can't thank you all enough for keeping up with our journey and praying for us. i feel a million times better than before we left, we both do. and i want to find a way to get the word out about this place. so if you're reading this, and your kid has eczema and a RIDICULOUSLY high IGE (gray's was almost 9,000 i found out) and tests positive to almost any food via blood and/or skin test.. some of them may not be true allergies and may just be cross reactive to other things. however, don't give your kid the food without medical supervision... i'm just sayin'.. and please, shoot me an email or a comment if you want more info on National Jewish.

there's my plug for NJ. maybe they'll send me a check. or as becky and i talked about, a commission for everyone we send there. ;)

off to start my day. at my house. not in denver. :)


Rob and Amy said...

This post made me smile =) Welcome home!

Nono said...

leave it to tati Charlotte for the peanut test :0)))))

amy said...

that's pretty funny nono.. that might be a test that we hopefully NEVER do.. or we'll need an epi pen. ha.

becky said...

wondering if i'm ever going to see that check for all those i've sent to nj! not likely, oh well, was totally worth every bit of annoying pr we did to meet you guys and see little Gray eating again!! so glad to hear you're safely home!

Anna said...

Is the IGE always high? Maybe I should check Titus' tests they did when he was in the hospital when he was a baby and see what they were. hmmm..... although he hasn't tested positive to bunches of things though. But he did test negative to everything on a skin test. huh. maybe I'll just forget about it for a while.