Wednesday, June 10, 2009

we made it through day 1


today has been full of meeting docs and nurses and therapists and educators and plenty of wet wraps. i don't have time to write much at the moment... the bottom pic is him in a wet wrap, its awful to see, but you see it ALL around on the unit. our room is super nice. his crib is giant and steel and kind of weird, but with his "sleep help meds" tonight, he shouldn't care.

we got in last night around 6:30 and i have never been sicker. i'm sure that our apartment is ridiculously nice and the area its in is beautiful. a special shout out to the sweet person who blessed us by setting us up there. i won't mention his name, just in case i'm not supposed to or something. but for real, thank you. we love it.

the docs have been amazing, they have been so encouraging and are telling us that he will look awesome in 48 hours. i can't wait. cuz he looks awful now. we have one more 2 hour wet wrap tonight before bed and then three intense ones tomorrow. i have been to a class on eczema today already and have had a "counseling session".

the reason we are here is because kenny's cousin christy sent us an article about a little boy named blake who was in some publication and has been getting quite a bit of media attention as well. he is like grayson, all his food blood tests come back positive, but NJ has been able to help him get several foods in his system. well, i looked over in the playroom today, and there sat blake with his mom becky and his dad and brother. we introduced ourselves and have been able to speak a couple times in and out of doc visits. its so nice to meet other mothers who get it. who really really get it. but how cool that they would be out here at the same time.. this is his second trip for food challenges. and he was referred here by Mayo if that tells you anything about how good this facility is.

keep up the prayers. we can feel them. i am starting to feel better. i came down with what i believe is strep yesterday morning on our way out of town. i am on antibiotics, and after an AWFUL trip down here, a HORRIBLE night and a REALLY ROUGH morning, i am finally starting to feel better. i can't believe i have survived the last two days with 101 fever, the pukes and a roadtrip and a throat that feels as if i am swallowing a tennis ball with razors sticking out of it. please pray aislyn doesn't get sick by the way. or kenny. and pray for the dr's wisdom in the antibiotic grayson is on for his sickness earlier this week, because i think it's making him rash out, which will negate everything they are doing. its just hard to tell. so, yea, pray for wisdom...

i leave you with pics... thanks for the prayers, more later. :)


brianna saban said...

amy, i have no doubt that you are in GOOD HANDS!!!!!
i think grayson has a huge following now...and we can't wait to see the great developments of health in his near future.
prayers with you all the way sister.

bri saban and fam

Molly Beth said...

I am so glad you guys are there. Hoping you get to feeling better asap. I'm glad that you are finding other mothers to relate to. I know how much I cherish all my reflux and allergy mommas. It is so nice to be with people who get it. I love you and you are in our prayers.
p.s. yes the cribs are kinda like jails, but they are so nice to have, b/c you can pull those bars up super high. No climbing out that way:)

Anonymous said...

I think God just wanted to get a Lot of glory for getting you guys through all this! I'm praying for you guys, love you